“LOWDOWN” – MAY 8, 2018

May 9 – 6:00pm Gr.4 Parent meeting re Washington, DC trip in library
May 10 – 6:00pm Gr.7 Parent meeting re Gr. 8 trip 2019
May 11 – 7:00pm – Back to the 80s (Spring Musical – Grades 6,7,8)
May 15 – 8th grade closing retreat (approximate) times are from 9:00-2:00 (in the AMR)
May 17 – 6:30pm – Dateline: Rock & Roll (Spring Musical – K-5th)
May 18 – Out-of-uniform
May 22 – Gr. 8 Graduation 7:00pm
May 25 – Last day of school, 11:00am dismissal

Date, Payout, Winner’s Name, Seller & Grade
Apr.30 $25 – Dan Hans, Jackie Krebs Gr.5
May 1  $25 – Joel Logsdon, Joanna Logsdon Gr.1
May 2  $25 – John Turnmire, Jaylynn Jaggers Gr.5
May 3  $25 – Patrick Shields, Haley Beierle Gr.8
May 4  $50 – Connie Sue Greenwell, Jackie Kebs Gr.5

Cole Busby, currently in the 8th grade at Ascension, has earned The Monsignor Alfred W. Steinhauser Scholarship Award for the 2018-19 School Year for his outstanding performance at the grade-school level and on the High School Placement Test at Trinity High School! Keep up the good work Cole!

Kate McLarney, Ascension Alum, and a junior at Sacred Heart Academy has been accepted to the 2018 Governor’s Scholars Program! Way to go Kate!

Many thanks to Amanda Betts, the Box Tops for Education Coordinator who has volunteered her time and talents to manage the box top pogram! The PTO received a check for $200! Please continue to clip and save your box tops over the summer! It would not be possible without you!

Mark your calendars for June 1st and 2nd!
Live Music, Bouncy Area, Amazing Saturday Night BBQ dinner, Great Prizes and so much More!
Your time and talent are needed to make it a success! The Festival can’t happen without You!
Please visit our Signup Genius below to see where you can volunteer.

Student Incentive Deadline for turning in sold chances and cake donation form is May 11th! All chances for the Capital Prize and Quilt Raffle must be turned in sold to qualify-along with the completed cake donation form.
Student families completing this/turning in by May 11th will earn Out of Uniform for the last week of school!!

Goodie Bag Booth: Each student has received a ziplock baggie with the request to fill with new small items (dollar store toys, garden items, etc.). Please return by the last day of school. Items for the Goodie Bag Booth can also be dropped off in the Gathering Space or School/Parish Offices.
Like New Books and More Booth: We are seeking gently used books, movies, games and puzzles. Please drop these off in the marked bins inside the Gathering Space.
We are in search of Festival Sponsors. Please contact Charlie Nicklies at cnicklies@gmail.com to learn more on how Festival can showcase your business. Numerous price points and options are available.

Thank you for your continued support of Ascension and Festival!
We can’t wait to see you.
2018 Festival Committee

What would you do with a YEAR of not paying tuition?
You have a 1 in 120 chance to win!
Possibly the most awesome $100 you have ever spent!!!
Free tuition covers one child between 3’s, JK, K to 8th grade. We will sell a minimum of 70 chances with only a total of 120 offered. There is no limit on how many chances you can purchase and grandparents/friends can purchase chances in your child’s name.
Fine print: This is for one child at the Pre-School Tuition Level or Tuition Level 1 K-8 Rate. Families with multiple students or those paying Level 2 Rates would be responsible for the remaining balance. If there are less than 70 chances sold, there will be no refunds but buyers will receive $100 credit applied to their 2018-2019 tuition per chance purchased.
Tickets are available in the School and Parish office.
Good Luck!! Can’t wait to see who wins!

6th-8th grade will feature Back to the 80’s in Concert on May 11th at 7:00 PM. Admission $3. Pre-sale/preferred seating tickets are available in the school office. These are available on a first come/first serve basis and are limited to the first 6 rows. Middle school students are invited to dress up in 80’s style clothing. A make-up and hair studio will be available on Friday, May 11th from 5:30 PM-6:45 PM in the Band Room located above the gym for any who are interested in participating. If you are interested in helping with hair and make-up, please contact Holly at hsmith@ascension-parish.com or sign-up on the link below.

Kindergarten-5th grade will present “Dateline: Rock & Roll” on May 17th beginning at 6:30PM. Admission FREE. This program will feature music of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s with each grade having been assigned as decade of music to perform. Costumes are NOT necessary for the performance; however, I am inviting student this year to dress up in a reasonable fashion to represent their decade. If students do not want to wear clothes resembling their decade, they are welcome to wear nice spring clothes.

K – 60’s/Beatles
1st – 50’s
2nd – 80’s
3rd – 90’s
4th – 70’s
5th – Any decade from 1950-2000

Please note that Junior Kindergarten was originally featured in the elementary production, however, they will present their own concert during their graduation.
These productions couldn’t happen without the help of our wonderful and fabulous volunteers. Any way in which you or someone you know may be willing to help will gladly be utilized. A sign-up can be found here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d4cafa929aafd0-back
If there are other ways not listed that you would like to help, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. The stage is scheduled to go up on Friday April 27th beginning at 8:00 PM if you or anybody you know is able to help.
Thank you for supporting music at Ascension!

February 28 was the deadline for round 1 of tuition assistance applications. However, you may still apply for the 2nd round of awards.
To apply, go to www.ceflou.org. Complete only one FACTS application for your family, including all students in the family (elementary and high school) on the same form. Deadline is May 15, 2018.

We are going to be starting a new monthly social media post called Longhorn Legends! The purpose of Longhorn Legends will be to recognize and honor various Ascension alumni who have made notable achievements in the areas of academics, community service, athletics, business, etc..

We need your help in finding and recognizing these individuals. The only pre-requisite is that this person must be an Ascension Alum! Please use the link below to fill out a nomination form. We are proud of the achievements of our Ascension Alums and we want to know about them. Nominate a Longhorn Legend Today! https://talgrace.wufoo.com/forms/zz7lh4k0zfk8q5/

TUITION RATES 2018-2019 – (2.5% increase)
For active, participating stewadship families
1 child: $6,285
2 children: $9,430
3 or more: $10,560

For non-member, non-stewardship families
1 child: $7,125
2 children: $10,455
3 or more: $12,200

The following is a recent change, effective June 21, 2017, to 902 KAR 2:060 Immunization schedules for attending child day care centers, certified family child care homes, other licensed facilities which care for children, preschool programs, and public and private primary and secondary schools, http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/902/002/060.htm. This amended Kentucky Administrative Regulation requires all children to have a current immunization certificate on file, contains the required immunizations schedule, for attending, and has a process to obtain a religious exemption from the required immunizations.

– One new age-specific immunization requirement is a 2-Dose Series of HepA (Age: 12 months through 18 years)
This vaccine is administered as a 2 doses series with a minimum of 6 months between doses. Please call your child/rens physician to see if your child/ren has had the HepA. If so, I will need the original immunization certificate with all the recommended vaccines. If your child/ren has not had the HepA you need to schedule that as soon as possible because there is a minimum of 6 months between doses. These must be administered before school starts on August 15, 2018.

-And as a reminder, children entering Gr. 6 must have a physical and Tdap and Meningagoccal Vaccines. Physical form and updated Immunization Certificate must be turned in before the first day of school, August 15, 2018.

Lunch account balances can be monitored through EZ Pay. There is no cost to register and it is the best way to monitor your child/ren’s lunch account. There is a fee to deposit through EZ Pay, but you do not have to deposit through them. You can still send money in to school to be deposited into your child/ren’s lunch account. If you are sending in cash, please make sure it is in an envelope with your child’s name on it. If you would like the info on how to register on EZ Pay, please contact Shannon Williams, the cafeteria manager, at swilliams@ascension-parish.com

It doesn’t cost you a penny, just a few minutes of your time! If you have an Amazon or Kroger account, please see below on how to register your account so Ascension reaps the benefits! Also, if you clip and turn in the Box Tops for Education label on products you purchase, Ascension receives a dime for each one. This adds up real quick!

If you do your Amazon shopping on AmazonSmile, Ascension receives 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazaonSmile purchases. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Please support Ascension by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com.
When you sign up for AmazonSmile, you’re asked to select one of over a million charities to support. When you click on our unique link, https://smile.amazon.com/ch/61-0652304, you skip the charity selection process. Instead, you’re taken to smile.amazon.com and are automatically asked if you want to support Church of the Ascension School Louisville, KY.
Remember, if you want Amazon to donate to Church of the Ascension School Louisville, KY, you need to start each shopping session at the URL http://smile.amazon.com, and they will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.

Turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school. It’s free and an easy as 1-2-3. To help our school, just look for pink, unexpired, Box Tops on products, clip them, and send them to school glued to one of the submission sheets or in a baggie. There is a mailbox in the school office for box tops. You can also download the Box Tops Bonus App to help us earn even more! For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and our school’s progress, visit www.BTFE.com. Be sure to become a member to receive exclusive coupons and learn about extra ways for our school to earn.
Please check out the Box Tops Bonus App,
The PTO will have two submission dates: November 1 and March 1. For the first submission date, the class that brings in the most box tops by Oct. 1 will receive a popsicle party!

If you have not already done so, please go on Kroger’s website at,
https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow and register your card under the Church of Ascension. Ascension receives a percentage of what you spend which helps to minimize fees. Thanks so much!