Religious Education 2024-25 School Year Schedule 

Religious Education (or Religious Ed) will be offered at our parish 2 Sundays a month for our youth in the parish. While this program is primarily for the good of our youth that do not attend our Parish School. It is also available to the parish school youth if they wish to further their education in Catholicism. Please sign up here. Any cancellations or changes will be sent via text messages or email from Edwin Jarboe.

Planned dates for Religious Education: Sundays @ 9:30-10:30 am in the School Cafeteria
• Sep. 8 & 22
• Oct. 6 & 20
• Nov. 3 & 17
• Dec. 1 & 15
• Jan. 12 & 26
• Feb 9 & 23
• Mar 2 & 16 & 30
• April 13
• May 4 & 18

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) takes place during the 10:30 A.M. Sunday Mass from September through May. The program is generally intended for children ages 4-7 (or through 2nd grade until First Communion). No registration is needed. The children are dismissed before the first reading and return during the Preparation of the Gifts.

Contact Eddie Jarboe at 502-451-3860 ex. 15 for more information or to get involved as a CLOW Leader.

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