NFP Classes (including some local, in-person)

Katie Parris, Fertility Care Practitioner
Katie teaches women and couples in Louisville the Creighton Model to empower women to learn about their bodies and find root-cause solutions to health issues.

Angela Hobbs, RN, BSN, Gift of Your Fertility
Angela, located in Louisville, KY, believes it is important for women of all ages to be knowledgeable about their bodies and menstrual cycles, and is an instructor in the Marquette Method of NFP.

Teresa and Tom Knight
Teresa and Tom, located in Louisville, have been Couple to Couple League Natural Family teachers since 1997, and teach the sympto-thermal method. CCL also offers excellent resources to empower single women and assist moms in empowering their daughters.

Archdiocese of Louisville NFP Resources

Family Renewal Project

Couple to Couple League
To inspire, educate and support couples in family planning that is natural, effective, healthy and consistent with God’s plan for life, love, and marriage.

Love and Parenthood
A brief video explaining Natural Family Planning, by couples around the world.


NFP: Myth or Reality?

Official NFP: Catholic-Style! Facebook Page

Home – FACTS (
Has your doctor not been trained in Fertility Awareness Based Methods? Consider refering him or her to this resource which helps doctors understand the science and effectiveness of NFP.

What FABM method is right for me | Method Matcher Quiz – Fertility Science Institute
Find the fertility awareness method that is right for you.

myparishNFP provides NFP support to parishes and dioceses (